Earn additional income from your reputation

With Colls, let your fans get in touch with you and make the most of your time.

Women filming herself

Sort out the solicitations

A lot of people want to talk to you, whether they're fans, people who want your advice or partnerships, it's hard to sort out the DMs, e-mails and so on.

If someone really wants to get in touch with you, they'll be willing to pay the price.

Discover the benefits of Colls

Link icon
Just a linkEasier than a phone number to remember
timer icon
Pay-per-minuteChoose freely your price
Secured icone
Secure callsOur technology protects your calls
Glasses icon
No hidden chargesOnly 15% charged on calls, the lowest commission on the market
Calendar icon
Define your availabilityChoose the days and times when you are available
Money icon
Be sure to get paidThe card is pre-authorized before the appointment.

What is Colls?

Colls is the universal solution for receiving calls and getting paid, voice calls or video calls, on your computer or directly on your phone thanks to our mobile application. Colls allows you to charge per minute in a modern way

Please feel free to contact us if you require any further information.

Are calls recorded?

Calls are not recorded but this is a feature we are considering. If this is something you'd like for your business, you can help us by filling in this form and telling us what you'd like to use it for.

Can I organize conferences?

You can invite a 3rd person to a call by sharing the link provided, but you won't be charged extra for this extra person. Soon we'll be adding the ability to organize conferences and charge each participant. If you're interested in this feature, please let us know in this form

How does the billing work? Is my information on the customer's invoice?

Your personal informations are not shared, Colls bills the client directly, then you bill us (it is done automatically of course) to withdraw your funds.

Need more information?

Contact us