Bill your clairvoyance services easily

Psychics are the historic users of premium rate number services, and today the new generation is switching to Colls to make their services more fun, and to earn more

Cristal ball of psychic

The Colls solution for psychics

Charging for communications and time has always been the business model for clairvoyants, often thanks to premium-rate numbers. Now psychics finally have a new alternative!

Colls lets you charge the same but earn a lot more thanks to its much lower fees. What's more, no more lost numbers: your customers can always find you directly on the Colls application.

Discover the benefits of Colls

Link icon
Just a linkEasier than a phone number to remember
timer icon
Pay-per-minuteChoose freely your price
Secured icone
Secure callsOur technology protects your calls
Glasses icon
No hidden chargesOnly 15% charged on calls, the lowest commission on the market
Calendar icon
Define your availabilityChoose the days and times when you are available
Money icon
Be sure to get paidThe card is pre-authorized before the appointment.