Give private lessons at a distance.

Managing your schedule, invoicing your time and making sure you get paid are all made easy with Colls.

Picture of a teacher in front of a whiteboard

Colls, the solution for tutors

Colls lets you share your link directly with your students or their parents, so they can plan the lessons they need directly from the app via your integrated calendar. To book, a pre-authorization is made on the card, so a booked appointment = you're sure to get paid! Choose the time slots that suit your lessons, with the price to match.

You can also define times when you can be reached directly, so if one of your students gets stuck on their homework in the evening, they can call you directly, and you can charge by the minute for the time you help them. As soon as they click on "Call now", a pre-authorization is made and you receive the money at the end of the call. You'll love receiving calls on Colls!

Discover the benefits of Colls

Link icon
Just a linkEasier than a phone number to remember
timer icon
Pay-per-minuteChoose freely your price
Secured icone
Secure callsOur technology protects your calls
Glasses icon
No hidden chargesOnly 15% charged on calls, the lowest commission on the market
Calendar icon
Define your availabilityChoose the days and times when you are available
Money icon
Be sure to get paidThe card is pre-authorized before the appointment.